
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Leave My Food Alone!

Okay, so maybe this is "Rant Thursday. I can't help it. I am so pissed/frustrated/mind-boggled, I just have to let it out. Leave my food alone!

This morning I read a post from Grist. Now I really like Grist. I read it often, but this one got me going!

A little back ground.

In 2012, I had a heart attack. I went Vegan. It wasn't because I didn't want to eat animal products. It was simply wanting to stay alive. I hat factory farming and all that it implies, but I am not an animal rights person to the extent that I don't ever want to eat meat.

After a while, we slipped to more vegetarian meals with occasional fish. The problem with being vegan was that I just didn't feel very good. Eating small amounts of fish and a bit of chicken now and then seemed to help.

A few months ago, I read a book called Primal Body, Primal Mind. Basically it is about a Paleo diet. I was impressed with the depth of study and research. About the same time, the first blush of the new guidelines can out and what they said seemed to go along with much of what I was reading. Dietary Cholesterol is not harmful and we need fats in our diet.

Then someone came along and said what a bunch of baloney (pun intended) that was and eating meat and dairy will give you cancer and a heart attack. Maybe at the same time!

Then I discovered the Weston A Price Foundation. They didn't go the way of the Paleos, but they leaned that way. I wound up joining them mostly because they had the balls to sue the FDA. At least somebody was doing something other than bitching!

Well, we moved our dietary routines to more align themselves with the Price Foundation and away from the Vegan side. For me, I felt a hell of a lot better. My wife, who suffers from acid reflux, had a huge reduction in her symptoms.

What really pisses me off is the fact that you can't really believe anybody. Everyone has some agenda and push their particular point of view. Most of them do this, not because they give a damn about you or your health. They just want to line their pockets with your money. The meat producers want your money. The soy association wants your money. The corn industry wants your money. The wheat industry wants your money. None of them give a rip about your health. At least that's my opinion.

I'm not trying to tell anyone how to eat. Eat what your conscience and your body feel good about. If you're a Vegan, more poser to you. If you're a full out Paleo, great. I don't care if you eat your neighbor's cat. I just don't want you telling me what I can't eat, especially when I know you're saying it just to get me to buy your product.

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