
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Day

So here it is, Earth Day. As a Pagan, I should be all up about Earth Day, but to tell the truth, I'm not. Oh, I certainly care for the earth and think we could all do a lot more to make sure the earth is healthy. As a person with a nature based spirituality, I get a real connection with the Divine in my forays into the wild.

So why no big whoop over Earth Day.

Like so many things, when we make something routine, like Earth Day or Christmas, or anything else, it becomes bland. At least that's how I feel about it. Mother's Day. Get your mom a card, but don't think about her for the next three months.

Maybe it isn't that it has become routine, but that it has become accepted by the general public, but not in any meaningful way. It's like celebrating President's Day. When was the last time you really just partied down on President's Day?

Earth Day seems like another reason to buy some chintzy card to send someone who will hardly read it and throw it away; polluting the earth. Earth Day seems like another reason for politicians to jump on the band wagon and tell us all how they care for the earth and want to make sure it is clean and healthy. They don't really give a shit, they just want your votes.

The good side to Earth Day is that it does give pause to those who rarely think about it at all. Maybe it gives someone a chance to think about maybe working a little harder at recycling. Maybe they think a little more about turning off lights. There is a good side to it.

I just don't get that excited about it.

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