
Monday, August 17, 2015

Technology Trouble

We are currently in Michigan visiting our daughter and her family. I love traveling and I love seeing people I haven't seen in a while, or meeting new ones. Something that has been crossing my mind on this trip is how dependent we are on electronic gadgets and how I am beginning to really not like them.

I don't know what it is with my daughter and her husband, but they seem to have the worst wi-fi and phone connection ever. They recently moved and sitting right net to their wi-fi, I often can't get connected. Using my phone is a joke. Most of the time my phone tells me there is no connection at all or maybe I have one bar. It makes me want to dump the damed phone in the lake! The house they moved from was just the same.

Something else that happened was that our credit card got compromised. I get alerts every time it is used and when I checked this morning, I had ten charges. I had to call and have the card blocked. That means I get to go back and tell all the places that have my card on file to change the number. I just did that when I got this new super secure card. Oh the irony! I think I'll go back to cash.

This summer, I have done a bunch of traveling. It seems that my mobile phone works very seldom. It isn't the phone because I just got a new one and part of the time it was the old phone. I will definitely never buy another smart phone. The damned things just aren't that smart!

The simpler you make your life, the easier things are, I think. Technology is great, but, for me, I have gotten too dependent on it and it is time to back off a bit. At least for the non-essential stuff.

I just ordered a new interface to record onto my computer and that's technology, but it doesn't require me to hook up with anyone else. That seems to be the trouble point.

Ah, who knows. I'm just whining. Time to go to the lake and take a dip.

1 comment:

  1. Michigan? your in my neck of the woods. lol Ya there are areas of Michigan that just suck for internet or cell phone signal. In Hastings MI and Bangor MI phone signal is the worst! In some areas you can only get satellite internet and that's worse than dial-up. I too get sick of tech at times. for example My phone works great at home as soon as I leave our wifi my phone overheats really really bad. its stupid. they keep making them look fancy but they never fix fundamental issues with the phones. how about instead of making them as thin as possible how about keeping them the same thickness and add a bigger battery! or a mini fan to cool them off. God forbid they do something Logical. lol! I'd love to go tech free but at the same time I love being able to communicate with people all over the world and get information when I need it. :-)
